====== Snicker Doodle ====== The workhorse behind snickerdoodle is an ARM-based System on Chip (SoC) from Xilinx called “Zynq.” These powerful little chips - which have roots in industrial, aerospace, and defense applications - allow hardware to be reconfigured with software, freeing you to accomplish things that simply aren’t possible with regular microprocessors (like those in the Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone - which have roots in DVRs and cell phones). {{https://www.crowdsupply.com/img/6548/dmnd8482_png_md-xl.jpg?400}}{{https://www.crowdsupply.com/img/bbc8/snickerdoodle-high-level-block-diagram-2015-10-02.png?400}} * https://piped.garudalinux.org/watch?v=CXLEpaORgzo * AMD-Xilinx FPGA Playground: https://www.crowdsupply.com/amd-xilinx/fpga-playground * Snickerdoodle open source projects: https://krtkl.com/snickerdoodle/#projects * Snickerdoodle at Mouser: https://www.mouser.com/new/krtkl/krtkl-snickerdoodle/ * Snickerdoodle at Crowd Supply https://www.crowdsupply.com/krtkl/snickerdoodle * “How and Why We Failed” blog post: https://krtkl.com/blog/2018/07/how-and-why-we-failed/ * The Microzed Chronicles FPGA design blog http://www.microzedchronicles.com/ * AMD-Xilinx Vivado: https://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/vivado.html * PYNQ, Python for Zynq: http://www.pynq.io/ * Scorbit Pinball: https://scorbit.io/ * Adam Taylor’s FPGA workshop: /watch?v=XSK_4r21Z5w&t=0