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personas:johnny:proyectos:matrices-led [2021/10/16 17:57] – creado kzpersonas:johnny:proyectos:matrices-led [2021/10/16 18:51] kz
Línea 1: Línea 1:
-====== Modulo matrix 7219 ======+====== Modulo matrix max 7219 ====== 
 {{:personas:johnny:proyectos:max-7219module.png?600|}} {{:personas:johnny:proyectos:max-7219module.png?600|}}
 +Este código hace que el esp sirva una página web, donde se escribe un mensaje y se presenta en la pantalla
 +<code c++>
 +#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
 +#include <MD_MAX72xx.h>
 +#include <SPI.h>
 +#define PRINT_CALLBACK  0
 +#define DEBUG 0
 +#define LED_HEARTBEAT 0
 +#if DEBUG
 +#define PRINT(s, v) { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(v); }
 +#define PRINTS(s)   { Serial.print(F(s)); }
 +#define PRINT(s, v)
 +#define PRINTS(s)
 +#define HB_LED  D2
 +#define HB_LED_TIME 500 // in milliseconds
 +// Define the number of devices we have in the chain and the hardware interface
 +// NOTE: These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware and may
 +// need to be adapted
 +#define MAX_DEVICES 4
 +#define CLK_PIN   D5 // or SCK
 +#define DATA_PIN  D7 // or MOSI
 +#define CS_PIN    D8 // or SS
 +// SPI hardware interface
 +// Arbitrary pins
 +// WiFi login parameters - network name and password
 +const char* ssid = "name wifi";
 +const char* password = "clave wifi";
 +// WiFi Server object and parameters
 +WiFiServer server(80);
 +// Global message buffers shared by Wifi and Scrolling functions
 +const uint8_t MESG_SIZE = 255;
 +const uint8_t CHAR_SPACING = 1;
 +const uint8_t SCROLL_DELAY = 75;
 +char curMessage[MESG_SIZE];
 +char newMessage[MESG_SIZE];
 +bool newMessageAvailable = false;
 +const char WebResponse[] = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n";
 +const char WebPage[] =
 +"<!DOCTYPE html>" \
 +"<html>" \
 +"<head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1\">" \
 +"<title>MYTECTUTOR ESP8266 AND MAX7219</title>" \
 +"<style>" \
 +"html, body" \ 
 +"{" \
 +"font-family: Helvetica; "\
 +"display: block;"
 +"margin: 0px auto;"
 +"text-align: center;"\
 +"background-color: #cad9c5;" \
 +"}" \
 +"#container " \
 +"{" \
 +"width: 100%;" \
 +"height: 100%;" \
 +"margin-left: 5px;" \
 +"margin-top: 20px;" \
 +"border: solid 2px;" \
 +"padding: 10px;" \
 +"background-color: #2dfa53;" \
 +"}" \          
 +"<script>" \
 +"strLine = \"\";" \
 +"function SendText()" \
 +"{" \
 + nocache = \"/&nocache=\" + Math.random() * 1000000;" \
 + var request = new XMLHttpRequest();" \
 + strLine = \"&MSG=\" + document.getElementById(\"txt_form\").Message.value;" \
 + request.open(\"GET\", strLine + nocache, false);" \
 + request.send(null);" \
 +"}" \
 +"</script>" \
 +"</head>" \
 +"<body>" \
 +"<H1><b>ESP8266 and MAX7219 LED Matrix WiFi Control</b></H1>"
 +"<div id=\"container\">"\
 +"<form id=\"txt_form\" name=\"frmText\">" \
 +"<label>Message:<input type=\"text\" name=\"Message\" maxlength=\"255\"></label><br>" \
 +"</form>" \
 +"<br>" \
 +"<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Send Text\" onclick=\"SendText()\">" \
 +"</div>" \
 +"</body>" \
 +const char *err2Str(wl_status_t code)
 +  switch (code)
 +  {
 +  case WL_IDLE_STATUS:    return("IDLE");           break; // WiFi is in process of changing between statuses
 +  case WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL:  return("NO_SSID_AVAIL");  break; // case configured SSID cannot be reached
 +  case WL_CONNECTED:      return("CONNECTED");      break; // successful connection is established
 +  case WL_CONNECT_FAILED: return("CONNECT_FAILED"); break; // password is incorrect
 +  case WL_DISCONNECTED:   return("CONNECT_FAILED"); break; // module is not configured in station mode
 +  default: return("??");
 +  }
 +uint8_t htoi(char c)
 +  c = toupper(c);
 +  if ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) return(c - '0');
 +  if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F')) return(c - 'A' + 0xa);
 +  return(0);
 +boolean getText(char *szMesg, char *psz, uint8_t len)
 +  boolean isValid = false;  // text received flag
 +  char *pStart, *pEnd;      // pointer to start and end of text
 +  // get pointer to the beginning of the text
 +  pStart = strstr(szMesg, "/&MSG=");
 +  if (pStart != NULL)
 +  {
 +    pStart += 6;  // skip to start of data
 +    pEnd = strstr(pStart, "/&");
 +    if (pEnd != NULL)
 +    {
 +      while (pStart != pEnd)
 +      {
 +        if ((*pStart == '%') && isdigit(*(pStart+1)))
 +        {
 +          // replace %xx hex code with the ASCII character
 +          char c = 0;
 +          pStart++;
 +          c += (htoi(*pStart++) << 4);
 +          c += htoi(*pStart++);
 +          *psz++ = c;
 +        }
 +        else
 +          *psz++ = *pStart++;
 +      }
 +      *psz = '\0'; // terminate the string
 +      isValid = true;
 +    }
 +  }
 +  return(isValid);
 +void handleWiFi(void)
 +  static char szBuf[1024];
 +  static uint16_t idxBuf = 0;
 +  static WiFiClient client;
 +  static uint32_t timeStart;
 +  switch (state)
 +  {
 +  case S_IDLE:   // initialize
 +    PRINTS("\nS_IDLE");
 +    idxBuf = 0;
 +    state = S_WAIT_CONN;
 +    break;
 +  case S_WAIT_CONN:   // waiting for connection
 +    {
 +      client = server.available();
 +      if (!client) break;
 +      if (!client.connected()) break;
 +#if DEBUG
 +      char szTxt[20];
 +      sprintf(szTxt, "%03d:%03d:%03d:%03d", client.remoteIP()[0], client.remoteIP()[1], client.remoteIP()[2], client.remoteIP()[3]);
 +      PRINT("\nNew client @ ", szTxt);
 +      timeStart = millis();
 +      state = S_READ;
 +    }
 +    break;
 +  case S_READ: // get the first line of data
 +    PRINTS("\nS_READ");
 +    while (client.available())
 +    {
 +      char c = client.read();
 +      if ((c == '\r') || (c == '\n'))
 +      {
 +        szBuf[idxBuf] = '\0';
 +        client.flush();
 +        PRINT("\nRecv: ", szBuf);
 +        state = S_EXTRACT;
 +      }
 +      else
 +        szBuf[idxBuf++] = (char)c;
 +    }
 +    if (millis() - timeStart > 1000)
 +    {
 +      PRINTS("\nWait timeout");
 +      state = S_DISCONN;
 +    }
 +    break;
 +  case S_EXTRACT: // extract data
 +    PRINTS("\nS_EXTRACT");
 +    // Extract the string from the message if there is one
 +    newMessageAvailable = getText(szBuf, newMessage, MESG_SIZE);
 +    PRINT("\nNew Msg: ", newMessage);
 +    state = S_RESPONSE;
 +    break;
 +  case S_RESPONSE: // send the response to the client
 +    // Return the response to the client (web page)
 +    client.print(WebResponse);
 +    client.print(WebPage);
 +    state = S_DISCONN;
 +    break;
 +  case S_DISCONN: // disconnect client
 +    PRINTS("\nS_DISCONN");
 +    client.flush();
 +    client.stop();
 +    state = S_IDLE;
 +    break;
 +  default:  state = S_IDLE;
 +  }
 +void scrollDataSink(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t, uint8_t col)
 +// Callback function for data that is being scrolled off the display
 +  Serial.print("\n cb ");
 +  Serial.print(dev);
 +  Serial.print(' ');
 +  Serial.print(t);
 +  Serial.print(' ');
 +  Serial.println(col);
 +uint8_t scrollDataSource(uint8_t dev, MD_MAX72XX::transformType_t t)
 +// Callback function for data that is required for scrolling into the display
 +  static enum { S_IDLE, S_NEXT_CHAR, S_SHOW_CHAR, S_SHOW_SPACE } state = S_IDLE;
 +  static char *p;
 +  static uint16_t curLen, showLen;
 +  static uint8_t  cBuf[8];
 +  uint8_t colData = 0;
 +  // finite state machine to control what we do on the callback
 +  switch (state)
 +  {
 +  case S_IDLE: // reset the message pointer and check for new message to load
 +    PRINTS("\nS_IDLE");
 +    p = curMessage;      // reset the pointer to start of message
 +    if (newMessageAvailable)  // there is a new message waiting
 +    {
 +      strcpy(curMessage, newMessage); // copy it in
 +      newMessageAvailable = false;
 +    }
 +    state = S_NEXT_CHAR;
 +    break;
 +  case S_NEXT_CHAR: // Load the next character from the font table
 +    PRINTS("\nS_NEXT_CHAR");
 +    if (*p == '\0')
 +      state = S_IDLE;
 +    else
 +    {
 +      showLen = mx.getChar(*p++, sizeof(cBuf) / sizeof(cBuf[0]), cBuf);
 +      curLen = 0;
 +      state = S_SHOW_CHAR;
 +    }
 +    break;
 +  case S_SHOW_CHAR: // display the next part of the character
 +    PRINTS("\nS_SHOW_CHAR");
 +    colData = cBuf[curLen++];
 +    if (curLen < showLen)
 +      break;
 +    // set up the inter character spacing
 +    showLen = (*p != '\0' ? CHAR_SPACING : (MAX_DEVICES*COL_SIZE)/2);
 +    curLen = 0;
 +    state = S_SHOW_SPACE;
 +    // fall through
 +  case S_SHOW_SPACE:  // display inter-character spacing (blank column)
 +    PRINT("\nS_ICSPACE: ", curLen);
 +    PRINT("/", showLen);
 +    curLen++;
 +    if (curLen == showLen)
 +      state = S_NEXT_CHAR;
 +    break;
 +  default:
 +    state = S_IDLE;
 +  }
 +  return(colData);
 +void scrollText(void)
 +  static uint32_t prevTime = 0;
 +  // Is it time to scroll the text?
 +  if (millis() - prevTime >= SCROLL_DELAY)
 +  {
 +    mx.transform(MD_MAX72XX::TSL);  // scroll along - the callback will load all the data
 +    prevTime = millis();      // starting point for next time
 +  }
 +void setup()
 +#if DEBUG
 +  Serial.begin(115200);
 +  PRINTS("\n[MD_MAX72XX WiFi Message Display]\nType a message for the scrolling display from your internet browser");
 +  pinMode(HB_LED, OUTPUT);
 +  digitalWrite(HB_LED, LOW);
 +  // Display initialization
 +  mx.begin();
 +  mx.setShiftDataInCallback(scrollDataSource);
 +  mx.setShiftDataOutCallback(scrollDataSink);
 +  curMessage[0] = newMessage[0] = '\0';
 +  // Connect to and initialize WiFi network
 +  PRINT("\nConnecting to ", ssid);
 +  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
 +  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED)
 +  {
 +    PRINT("\n", err2Str(WiFi.status()));
 +    delay(500);
 +  }
 +  PRINTS("\nWiFi connected");
 +  // Start the server
 +  server.begin();
 +  PRINTS("\nServer started");
 +  // Set up first message as the IP address
 +  sprintf(curMessage, "%03d:%03d:%03d:%03d", WiFi.localIP()[0], WiFi.localIP()[1], WiFi.localIP()[2], WiFi.localIP()[3]);
 +  PRINT("\nAssigned IP ", curMessage);
 +void loop()
 +  static uint32_t timeLast = 0;
 +  if (millis() - timeLast >= HB_LED_TIME)
 +  {
 +    digitalWrite(HB_LED, digitalRead(HB_LED) == LOW ? HIGH : LOW);
 +    timeLast = millis();
 +  }
 +  handleWiFi();
 +  scrollText();
 +Este otro código es tomado de internet del señor [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9w72sDUamY&ab_channel=HumbertoHiginio|humberto higinio]].
 +<code c++>
 +Programa: Wifi controlled LED matrix display
 +Autor:  Humberto Higinio
 +Web: www.humbertohiginio.com
 +Canal de Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HHSolis
 +Video Exclusivo para mi canal de Youtube
 +Todos los Derechos Reservados - 2018
 +Código de Dominio Público
 +Wemos D1 Mini o NodeMCU pines    -> Matrix pines
 +MOSI-D7-GPIO13  -> DIN
 +CLK-D5-GPIO14   -> Clk
 +GPIO0-D3        -> CS o LOAD
 +#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
 +#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
 +#include <SPI.h>
 +#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
 +#include <Max72xxPanel.h>
 +#define SSID "XXXXXX"                      // insert your SSID
 +#define PASS "XXXXXX"                    // insert your password
 +// ******************* String form to sent to the client-browser ************************************
 +String form =
 +  "<p>"
 +  "<center>"
 +  "<h1>Humberto Higinio Web Server</h1>"
 +  "<form action='msg'><p>Tipee su mensaje <input type='text' name='msg' size=100 autofocus> <input type='submit' value='Enviar'></form>"
 +  "</center>";
 +ESP8266WebServer server(80);                             // HTTP server will listen at port 80
 +long period;
 +int offset=1,refresh=0;
 +int pinCS = 0; // Attach CS to this pin, DIN to MOSI and CLK to SCK (cf http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/SPI )
 +int numberOfHorizontalDisplays = 8;
 +int numberOfVerticalDisplays = 1;
 +String decodedMsg;
 +Max72xxPanel matrix = Max72xxPanel(pinCS, numberOfHorizontalDisplays, numberOfVerticalDisplays);
 +String tape = "Arduino";
 +int wait = 20; // In milliseconds
 +int spacer = 2;
 +int width = 5 + spacer; // The font width is 5 pixels
 +  handles the messages coming from the webbrowser, restores a few special characters and 
 +  constructs the strings that can be sent to the oled display
 +void handle_msg() {
 +  matrix.fillScreen(LOW);
 +  server.send(200, "text/html", form);    // Send same page so they can send another msg
 +  refresh=1;
 +  // Display msg on Oled
 +  String msg = server.arg("msg");
 +  Serial.println(msg);
 +  decodedMsg = msg;
 +  // Restore special characters that are misformed to %char by the client browser
 +  decodedMsg.replace("+", " ");      
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%21", "!");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%22", "");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%23", "#");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%24", "$");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%25", "%");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%26", "&");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%27", "'");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%28", "(");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%29", ")");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%2A", "*");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%2B", "+");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%2C", ",");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%2F", "/");   
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%3A", ":");    
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%3B", ";");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%3C", "<");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%3D", "=");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%3E", ">");
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%3F", "?");  
 +  decodedMsg.replace("%40", "@"); 
 +  //Serial.println(decodedMsg);                   // print original string to monitor
 +  //Serial.println(' ');                          // new line in monitor
 +void setup(void) {
 +matrix.setIntensity(10); // Use a value between 0 and 15 for brightness
 +// Adjust to your own needs
 +//  matrix.setPosition(0, 1, 0); // The first display is at <0, 0>
 +//  matrix.setPosition(1, 0, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
 +// Adjust to your own needs
 +  matrix.setPosition(0, 7, 0); // The first display is at <0, 7>
 +  matrix.setPosition(1, 6, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
 +  matrix.setPosition(2, 5, 0); // The third display is at <2, 0>
 +  matrix.setPosition(3, 4, 0); // And the last display is at <3, 0>
 +  matrix.setPosition(4, 3, 0); // The first display is at <0, 0>
 +  matrix.setPosition(5, 2, 0); // The second display is at <1, 0>
 +  matrix.setPosition(6, 1, 0); // The third display is at <2, 0>
 +  matrix.setPosition(7, 0, 0); // And the last display is at <3, 0>
 +  matrix.setRotation(0, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(1, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(2, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(3, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(4, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(5, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(6, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +  matrix.setRotation(7, 3);    // The first display is position upside down
 +//ESP.wdtDisable();                               // used to debug, disable wachdog timer, 
 +  Serial.begin(115200);                           // full speed to monitor
 +  WiFi.begin(SSID, PASS);                         // Connect to WiFi network
 +  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {         // Wait for connection
 +    delay(500);
 +    Serial.print(".");
 +  }
 +  // Set up the endpoints for HTTP server,  Endpoints can be written as inline functions:
 +  server.on("/", []() {
 +    server.send(200, "text/html", form);
 +  });
 +  server.on("/msg", handle_msg);                  // And as regular external functions:
 +  server.begin();                                 // Start the server 
 +  Serial.print("SSID : ");                        // prints SSID in monitor
 +  Serial.println(SSID);                           // to monitor             
 +  char result[16];
 +  sprintf(result, "%3d.%3d.%1d.%3d", WiFi.localIP()[0], WiFi.localIP()[1], WiFi.localIP()[2], WiFi.localIP()[3]);
 +  Serial.println();
 +  Serial.println(result);
 +  decodedMsg = result;
 +  Serial.println("WebServer ready!   ");
 +  Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());                 // Serial monitor prints localIP
 +  Serial.print(analogRead(A0));
 +void loop(void) {
 +  for ( int i = 0 ; i < width * decodedMsg.length() + matrix.width() - 1 - spacer; i++ ) {
 +    server.handleClient();                        // checks for incoming messages
 +    if (refresh==1) i=0;
 +    refresh=0;
 +    matrix.fillScreen(LOW);
 +    int letter = i / width;
 +    int x = (matrix.width() - 1) - i % width;
 +    int y = (matrix.height() - 8) / 2; // center the text vertically
 +    while ( x + width - spacer >= 0 && letter >= 0 ) {
 +      if ( letter < decodedMsg.length() ) {
 +        matrix.drawChar(x, y, decodedMsg[letter], HIGH, LOW, 1);
 +      }
 +      letter--;
 +      x -= width;
 +    }
 +    matrix.write(); // Send bitmap to display
 +    delay(wait);
 +  }
personas/johnny/proyectos/matrices-led.txt · Última modificación: 2021/10/16 18:54 por kz