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proyectos:cnc [2020/07/26 00:26] – [Referentes] brolinproyectos:cnc [2020/08/11 21:06] brolin
Línea 29: Línea 29:
 FlatCAM lets you take your designs to a CNC router. You can open Gerber, Excellon or G-code, edit it or create from scatch, and output G-Code. Isolation routing is one of many tasks that FlatCAM is perfect for. It's is open source, written in Python and runs smoothly on most platforms.  FlatCAM lets you take your designs to a CNC router. You can open Gerber, Excellon or G-code, edit it or create from scatch, and output G-Code. Isolation routing is one of many tasks that FlatCAM is perfect for. It's is open source, written in Python and runs smoothly on most platforms. 
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +Las medidas correctas de la profundidad del maquinado (enrutar el cobre), dependen de el ángulo de la punta, el ancho de la punta y la profundidad a la que esta trabaje.
 +  * https://bitbucket.org/jpcgt/flatcam/wiki/V-Shaped_bits__Groove_Dimension_Tables
 +  * {{:proyectos:pasted:20200811-205801.png?400}}
 +  * {{:proyectos:pasted:20200811-210214.png?400}}
 +<WRAP center round important 60%>
 +https://reprap.org/wiki/PCB_Milling ->Milling tools section
 +Engraving Tips 
 +Principal drawing of an engraving tip
 +These don't allow feed rates as high as end mills, but due to their angle, they are relative stiff while still allowing isolation cuts down to 0.2 mm.
 +Opinions are different about which tool angle is the best. Some use 90 deg tools, others report best results with 60 degs, even others use exclusively 10 deg tips.
 +Common to this type of tools is, the isolation path gets wider the deeper you plunge the tool into the material. Accordingly, the PCB raw material has to be very flat and well leveled to the machine. Try to allow no more than 0.1 mm.
 +The additional widening of the isolation gap is
 +2 * penetration depth * tangens ( tool tip angle / 2 )
 +That results in 17% of the penetration depth for a 10 deg tip, 54% for 30 deg, 115% for the 60 deg version and no less than 200% for a 90 deg tool tip angle. 0.1 mm additional penetration depth means a 0.2 mm wider isolation gap in the latter case.
 +Judging by reports found on the net, sharper tips have a stronger tendency for burr, so - like always in life - the best angle is a compromise. 
 Para nuestro caso se cargan los archivos de las capas de corte y de cobre, además de la capa de perforaciones. El funcionamiento de flatcam nos permite definir acciones por cada uno de los archivos cargados, los seleccionamos en la ventana de la izquierda en el programa y genera archivos gcode a partir de estas acciones Para nuestro caso se cargan los archivos de las capas de corte y de cobre, además de la capa de perforaciones. El funcionamiento de flatcam nos permite definir acciones por cada uno de los archivos cargados, los seleccionamos en la ventana de la izquierda en el programa y genera archivos gcode a partir de estas acciones
Línea 123: Línea 153:
   * https://www.instructables.com/id/Custom-PCBs-on-a-CNC-Router/   * https://www.instructables.com/id/Custom-PCBs-on-a-CNC-Router/
   * http://www.techydiy.org/configuring-autoleveller-with-sainsmart-genmitsu-3018-mx3-and-mach3-usb/   * http://www.techydiy.org/configuring-autoleveller-with-sainsmart-genmitsu-3018-mx3-and-mach3-usb/
 +  * https://hackaday.com/2018/01/04/guide-why-etch-when-you-can-mill/
 +  * https://sienci.com/2018/08/23/pcb-milling-tutorial/
 +  * https://carbide3d.com/apps/pcb/
   * CLAVE   * CLAVE
proyectos/cnc.txt · Última modificación: 2023/07/12 23:31 por brolin