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personas:brolin:proyectos:blockchain [2021/07/16 15:42] – [Lightning Network] brolinpersonas:brolin:proyectos:blockchain [2023/03/20 03:20] – [Install on amd64 hardware] brolin
Línea 15: Línea 15:
   * Lightning is a layer-2 payment network built on top of layer-1, Bitcoin. This layer-2 network consists of nodes running the Lightning Network protocol, with bidirectional payment channels open between them. These payment channels allow for many fast payments to be made between nodes without the slower on-chain, layer-1 transactions. There is no need to wait for layer-1 block confirmations when making Lightning payments in established channels. Channels are opened and closed with an on-chain transaction while any number of Lightning payments can be made so long as the channels remain open and funded.    * Lightning is a layer-2 payment network built on top of layer-1, Bitcoin. This layer-2 network consists of nodes running the Lightning Network protocol, with bidirectional payment channels open between them. These payment channels allow for many fast payments to be made between nodes without the slower on-chain, layer-1 transactions. There is no need to wait for layer-1 block confirmations when making Lightning payments in established channels. Channels are opened and closed with an on-chain transaction while any number of Lightning payments can be made so long as the channels remain open and funded. 
   * Montaje de nodo de esta red -> https://www.econoalchemist.com/post/build-a-self-custodial-lightning-node-with-raspiblitz#viewer-er5g1   * Montaje de nodo de esta red -> https://www.econoalchemist.com/post/build-a-self-custodial-lightning-node-with-raspiblitz#viewer-er5g1
-  * ¿Cómo verificar la firma GPG de la imagen descarga? -> https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x135.html+  * ¿Cómo verificar la firma GPG de la imagen descarga? -> https://www.gnupg.org/gph/en/manual/x135.html https://armantheparman.com/gpg/
     <code>     <code>
    Download Raspberry Pi Foundation Public Keys from https://www.raspberrypi.org/raspberrypi_downloads.gpg.key    Download Raspberry Pi Foundation Public Keys from https://www.raspberrypi.org/raspberrypi_downloads.gpg.key
Línea 34: Línea 34:
     </code>     </code>
   * Build the SD card image -> https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/tree/v1.7.0#build-the-sd-card-image   * Build the SD card image -> https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/tree/v1.7.0#build-the-sd-card-image
 +  * Falla la sección **PREPARING BITCOIN** del build script, la versión actual es 0.21.1, parece que fue un problema temporal con el servidor donde estaba alojada la clave pública. 
 +    {{ :personas:brolin:proyectos:2021-07-16-115531_758x585_scrot.png?400 |}}{{ :personas:brolin:proyectos:2021-07-16-220242_627x674_scrot.png?400 |}}
 +====== Install on amd64 hardware ======
 +$ unzip raspiblitz-amd64-image-2023-02-05-872707.zip
 +$ gzip -dkv raspiblitz-amd64-debian-lean.qcow2.gz
 +Attach OS_DISK via a sata to usb adapter, identify partitions and LVM volumes
 +$ lsblk -f
 +Flash qemu image directly to the disk
 +$ sudo qemu-img dd if=./raspiblitz-amd64-debian-lean.qcow2 of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
 +Once finished, resize the root partition of the final OS to the free space. First create a new partition with remaning space of the disk with gparted
 +Add this new partition to LVM
 +$ sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb3
 +Check how is called the Logical Volume Group
 +$ sudo vgdisplay
 +Extend the volume groud adding the new volume
 +$ sudo vgextend raspiblitz-amd64-debian-lean-vg /dev/sdb3
 +Resize the root logical volume to the remaning free space
 +$ sudo lvextend -r -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/raspiblitz--amd64--debian--lean--vg-root
 +Connect the OS_DISK to the amd64 computer and power on connected to ethernet. Via ssh connect to the computer
 +$ ssh admin@LOCALNETWORK_IP
 +password: raspiblitz
 +Setup the node via raspiblitz menus
 +As in https://wiki.debian.org/iwlwifi add the component non-free after deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main in /etc/apt/sources.list
 +install the wifi driver for the mentioned cards:
 +$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install firmware-iwlwifi
 +Setup wifi connection https://www.makeuseof.com/connect-to-wifi-with-nmcli/
 +$ sudo nmtui
 +====== References ======
 +  * https://medium.com/@lukedashjr/how-to-securely-install-bitcoin-9bfeca7d3b2a
 +  * {{youtube>pESO_Pm0v10?medium}}{{youtube>0Bt3tHULAnw?medium}}{{youtube>uGHRjilMhwY?medium}}{{youtube>5wi6l9jRVQs?medium}}{{youtube>ZVtZepV3OfM?medium}}{{youtube>QXUGg45CWLo?medium}}
personas/brolin/proyectos/blockchain.txt · Última modificación: 2024/01/24 19:25 por brolin