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personas:brolin:proyectos:blockchain [2021/07/16 16:14] brolinpersonas:brolin:proyectos:blockchain [2024/01/24 19:25] (actual) – [Install on amd64 hardware] brolin
Línea 34: Línea 34:
     </code>     </code>
   * Build the SD card image -> https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/tree/v1.7.0#build-the-sd-card-image   * Build the SD card image -> https://github.com/rootzoll/raspiblitz/tree/v1.7.0#build-the-sd-card-image
 +  * Falla la sección **PREPARING BITCOIN** del build script, la versión actual es 0.21.1, parece que fue un problema temporal con el servidor donde estaba alojada la clave pública. 
 +    {{ :personas:brolin:proyectos:2021-07-16-115531_758x585_scrot.png?400 |}}{{ :personas:brolin:proyectos:2021-07-16-220242_627x674_scrot.png?400 |}}
 +====== Install on amd64 hardware ======
 +$ unzip raspiblitz-amd64-image-2023-02-05-872707.zip
 +$ gzip -dkv raspiblitz-amd64-debian-lean.qcow2.gz
 +Attach OS_DISK via a sata to usb adapter, identify partitions and LVM volumes
 +$ lsblk -f
 +Flash qemu image directly to the disk
 +$ sudo qemu-img dd if=./raspiblitz-amd64-debian-lean.qcow2 of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
 +Once finished, resize the root partition of the final OS to the free space. First create a new partition with remaning space of the disk with gparted
 +Add this new partition to LVM
 +$ sudo pvcreate /dev/sdb3
 +Check how is called the Logical Volume Group
 +$ sudo vgdisplay
 +Extend the volume groud adding the new volume
 +$ sudo vgextend raspiblitz-amd64-debian-lean-vg /dev/sdb3
 +Resize the root logical volume to the remaning free space
 +$ sudo lvextend -r -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/raspiblitz--amd64--debian--lean--vg-root
 +Connect the OS_DISK to the amd64 computer and power on connected to ethernet. Via ssh connect to the computer
 +$ ssh admin@LOCALNETWORK_IP
 +password: raspiblitz
 +Setup the node via raspiblitz menus
 +As in https://wiki.debian.org/iwlwifi add the component non-free after deb http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye main in /etc/apt/sources.list
 +install the wifi driver for the mentioned cards:
 +$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install firmware-iwlwifi
 +Setup wifi connection https://www.makeuseof.com/connect-to-wifi-with-nmcli/
 +$ sudo nmtui
 +====== No hibernación ======
 +====== References ======
 +  * https://medium.com/@lukedashjr/how-to-securely-install-bitcoin-9bfeca7d3b2a
 +  * {{youtube>pESO_Pm0v10?medium}}{{youtube>0Bt3tHULAnw?medium}}{{youtube>uGHRjilMhwY?medium}}{{youtube>5wi6l9jRVQs?medium}}{{youtube>ZVtZepV3OfM?medium}}{{youtube>QXUGg45CWLo?medium}}
personas/brolin/proyectos/blockchain.txt · Última modificación: 2024/01/24 19:25 por brolin